Inland shipping for self-employed people

Mediation for self-employed people

As a mediator, we offer a helping hand for mediation between contractor and client. You can join us not only as a relief captain, but also as a relief mate or mate.

How does it work?

We provide the necessary insurances and take care of their administration for you. You are also insured with us for when your client does not want to pay or in case of bankruptcy of the client. In addition, we always pay you within 1 week.

How does it work?

  • After the intake interview and receipt of your company details, Chamber of Commerce & VAT number and valid sailing documents, we will enter into a framework agreement with you. Thereafter, any order may be confirmed in writing.

  • We expect you to have experience in inland navigation and have the necessary and valid sailing documents. We also require good motivation and commitment from you with respect for people and materials.

  • Upon completion of the assignment, you will send us your invoice for the hours worked and any expenses incurred. We make sure it is paid out within 7 days!

Payment within 7 days

We always pay you as a self-employed person within 7 days.

Always assured of payment

Even if the client goes bankrupt or does not want to pay, you are always assured of payment with us.

Clear agreements

We work with a framework agreement and lay down clear agreements with you in it; other agreements can be agreed in writing.

We do the administration

Upon completion of the job, you will send us your invoice. We handle the invoicing to the client and take all the worry out of your hands!

We have work for you.